Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Movie Night

Uh, I have so much to write about yet so little time. I did a solo 17.7 mile run Sunday morning since Garrick was recovering from his first marathon. I paced my miles pretty tightly and I would say it was a very successful run. I found an acceptable place to work in some hill repeats into my repertoire. A nice long gradual quarter mile hill, it could stand a to be a little steeper, but I'll work with what I can get. What I really wanted to touch on in this post however was the movie I watched Saturday night. Running the Sahara was very inspiring, three guys run across the Sahara desert, I believe they finally reached the Egyptian coast in about 110 days. The cinematography is cool, they touch on the local cultures as much as possible, though there is one scene in which a butchered camel's head is featured. A bit much for me, but nothing wrong with not sanitizing the film either. So many topics I want to write about when it comes to running, but I'm trying to juggle this blog with a novel I'm working on, plus trying to get in miles too! Some times it's hard to choose which to spend my free time on, but I'm not complaining.

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