Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It Follows You Wherever You Go.

My past two runs, the weather has been sunny and warm, in fact Sunday it was downright hot. I noticed something that I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about, my shadow. Saturday afternoon I enlisted my wife and a pair of clippers to administer a summer buzzcut. The newly rounded head of my shadow caught my attention rather quickly. During some of the tougher sections without shade, I found myself focusing on "him"(my shadow) and I was surprised at how fluid and rhythmic "his" movements seemed to be. I don't exactly think of myself as an uncoordinated runner with poor form, but I'm no ballet dancer either. Again on Tuesday I looked for my silent running partner. It was later in the afternoon so "he" lagged behind, but there "he" was again. "His" movements appeared so effortless that "he" almost fooled me into thinking "he" could attain elite status. I never will be elite, I won't kid myself about that. I'm not even that concerned about my times really, for whatever reason I'm more fascinated with distances. What about my shadow? Of course it isn't a living thing, it can't have thoughts, but I could almost swear "his" running style is slightly different than mine. Maybe I shouldn't assume that the two of us have the same running goals in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely going to be looking for my running partner tomorrow!
