Monday, May 7, 2012

Borgess Half Marathon 2012

I was very impressed with my first shot at the Borgess Half Marathon in Kalamazoo. There were a lot of people there, possibly more than the Sunburst in South Bend. (I'm not going to take the time to look up the numbers) I had a chip time of 2:03 and some change which landed me right in between my other two half- marathon times. I probably could have shaved another 2 minutes off, had I not needed a pit stop around mile 5. There were lots of volunteers, lots and lots of great fans cheering us along the way, and numerous bands playing along the route. I saw a few people in costumes which was cool, I heard (did not actually witness) that there were some runners who went completely barefoot, at least for the 5k. I really only had a few small complaints, some of the mile markers for the half were non-existent, though in their defense there were pace runners holding flags. I passed the 2:15 guy and never caught up to the 2:00 guy, as pointed out by my chip time. Also as we were lined up in the street waiting for the start, random people in street clothes came walking through, against the crowd. I suppose they were lost. My only real disappointment of the day was that Arcadia Brewing Company had brewed a special beer for the day called The Big Finish (I think) The beer tent didn't open until noon however and to be honest I was feeling a little too dehydrated for beer. Next year I plan on doing the full marathon and I don't plan on missing the beer tent.


  1. The last time I went running in Kalamazoo I saw a guy running completely barefoot. Maybe he was one of the 5k'ers!

  2. I had started to work in some completely barefoot runs last summer, got up to about a mile or so. I think I'll have to start it up again this summer.
