Sunday, May 20, 2012

18 Miles and Counting

Well, put another notch fuel belt, (I crack myself up) I hit the 18 mile mark today and man was it hot. We started at 9am and I'm pretty sure it was in the 80's by 10. I had a chance to use my fuel belt for the second time and had better luck with one bottle of gatorade and one of water. The only problem was that there was not much of a chance to refill along our route. We started our route at Northridge High School in Middlebury, took a jaunt on some backroads and picked up the Pumpkinvine Trail in Middlebury out to Shipshewana. The nice folks at DQ let us fill up our bottles with water even though G and I had no money on us to buy something. I use the Map My Run app for I phone to keep track of my long runs, but today the GPS was way off and 18 miles proved to be too much for the battery. It died as I was trying to save my run while getting into the car when I was done to plug it in. G is headed to Traverse City next weekend for the marathon, then he is onto the Sunburst in South Bend the following. My broke ass will be putting in long solo runs so that I'm better prepped, maybe we will start aiming for an even 20 on Sundays.

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