Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Wish My Schedule Would Slow Down and My Run Times Speed Up

In the last 10 days I've been to two weddings, ran a half marathon, went to a dentist appointment, drove an hour to mow a lawn. (long story) My schedule has been crazy but I still squeezed in a 3.1 mile run on the treadmill at the hotel in Traverse City Michigan the morning of the latest wedding. I've been putting in 10 hour most days at work and I managed to squeeze in a 6.5 mile run this afternoon. That's my life and probably the direction this blog will be headed. Needless to say every time I get myself amped up to put some effort into this Existential Mustache Running Society project(s) other areas of my life need some attention as well. I have a couple of draft posts I hope to work on this week, maybe even some posts with some mediocre attempts to actually tie running and existentialism together. The mustaches, as always, will be represented through artistic photographic imagery.

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