Sunday, June 26, 2011

Keep On Keepin On

It's been just over three weeks since the completion of my first half-marathon. Since then I've ran a total of about 10 miles. There has been a lot going on in my life as of late, but when it comes to running sometimes the excuses to skip a run overcome the reasons to run.

So, the question is how can I stay motivated to train when I'm not staring down a race?

I've been doing some cross training, riding my bicycle somewhat regularly with a friend. I never finish with the "runner's high" but it keeps me from sitting in a lawn chair drinking Bell's Oberon in my backyard all summer long.

Read a book. Ok, there's no Book Club faction of the EMRS, but the world existential does imply a certain amount of contemplation and use of that organ jostling around in your skull. Reading a book (like the one I reviewed Thursday) can help with the mental aspect of running, which is possibly more important than the physical aspect.

Friends don't let friends quit running. Get someone out there with you. Running can be a great social activity, running with a partner just may push you harder than you push yourself. The aerobic workout is greater because explaining your homebrewing aspirations to your running bud also increases your breathing aspirations.

Sign up for a race. Let's face it, we all have running goals, but sometimes the best motivation is a deadline. We all need to be pushed and the best person for the job is yourself.

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