Thursday, June 2, 2011

Barefoot Thursdays

Every Thursday my post will be in regards to the subculture (within a subculture) of barefoot running. A quick note, barefoot Thursdays is also synonymous with minimalist Thursdays, meaning that Thursdays will deal with both. I will do my best to designate which I am writing about, but I think it will be somewhat clear.

To those are not aware, the increasing movement of barefoot running is just what it sounds like. We believe that the modern running shoe causes more injuries than it prevents. Humans ran for millions of years (or at least very very many depending on your beliefs) without Nikes. The idea is that cushioning and support atrophy your feet's muscle development. The excess cushioning also increases the likelihood that you will land heel-first, a landing that sends impact force directly to your knees.

Minimalist running is the wearing of minimalist shoes when running. I myself generally wear Vibram Five Finger's when I run. Yes, they look a little goofy, but they lend to a better running form. When I wear them I have no knee pain whatsoever as compared to when I wear a traditional running shoe. I plan on wearing them this Saturday to run a half-marathon.

The usual knee-jerk reaction fear I hear is, "What if you step on something sharp?" Well, as it turns out I did step on something sharp. My wife and I recently repainted our bathroom, and I cut my heel stepping off of a stepladder. The culprit was a metal basket holding the toilet paper. The gouge immediately began to bleed. Lucky for me, I have been running in Vibrams for the past year and a half, and I have built up thicker skin on the bottom of my feet.

Don't get me wrong, it bled like a...... I still have a gouge like in my heel. But after a 12.5 mile run last Sunday my Injinji socks were still white.


  1. Hi!
    Hi have noticed other runners wearing this type of shoe. I am not a runner. I currently walk for exercise and incorporate some jogging into that. how are these shoes for walking, jogging or just every day use?
    I also wear inserts in my shoes- do you know how that works with this type of shoe? I don't know how comfortable that would be.

  2. As long as you take the time to be sure that you purchase the correct size, they are comfortable. Inserts would not work well with this shoe, there is basically no cushioning in them so that is another factor to consider.

  3. So these are good for walking, jogging or every day use also?

  4. I haven't worn them alot for everyday use, mainly running. I have seen other people wearing them around though. It does take a little while for your feet to toughen up to them.

  5. can you buy these in town and if so where?

  6. Outpost Sports on Grape Road carries them, but they sell quickly and they only have a few of the different models. I have bought a pair in Kalamazoo at Gazelle sports. I also bought another pair online, but you have to be careful because there are a lot of counterfeits being sold online. Just don't ask about them at Metro Run Walk, I received a reprimand from who I believe was the owner.
