Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sunburst Results

Well, it was a hot day, but I made it through the race without having to walk very much. I didn't quite hit the two hour mark like I had hoped, but I was only over it by 10 minutes. Garrick was right at 2 hours. About an hour and a half after we finished they black-flagged the race because of the heat and picked up all of the remaining runners on the course.

I was pretty dehydrated the rest of the day, I was the DD for my wife and her friend Saturday night and drank about 3 gallons of ice tea which rehydrated me and I felt a lot better.

It's been nearly a week and I have yet to go on another run, but I have been riding my bicycle quite a bit. I've also been fighting a cold the past few days.

I'm already trying to decide the next half-marathon to run. I can't wait to get back to training mode. Oh yeah, I got a special haircut just for the race.

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