Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Balance Minimus MT 10

My running buddy was kind enough to let me go for a jaunt in his New Balance MT 10's last Sunday. We went seven miles at a pretty good clip and I must say I was impressed. There was plenty of room in the toe box for splaying, and I could definitely feel a nice forefoot strike. I did experience a slight amount of knee irritation, but it was absolutely not due to heel-strike.
I payed close attention to my left foot, which usually tends to swing around from the outside to the inside as I run. None of that.
The terrain was mixed, probably half limestone trail and half asphalt. The last mile we kicked it up to a 7.5 minute mile (probably why my knee was slightly tweaked) and I felt and finished strong.
My biggest complaint was that the orange color and wide rounded toe box reminded me of Ronald McDonald's shoes. No cheeseburgers for me though, I'm too busy trying to develop a bacon wrapped fried pickle.

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