Saturday, August 6, 2011

Training Aids

The EMRS was created in the spirit of lack of funds, low tech, and the simple rewards of running. However....
I'm in training for one, if not two more halfs that I have yet to sign up for. This time around I would like to better my time significantly and have made more of an effort to keep track of times and mix up my training routine.
This morning an email popped up in my inbox advertising the Adidas Mi Coach. It looked intriguing and got my mind working. Audible real-time feedback? Yes please. Of course, unless your a pro runner and have the luxury of receiving promo items to test the Mi Coach is going to cost you a few dollars. I went to the website to find out exactly how many of those dollars and stumbled upon a training planner. (Free I'm assuming) I'm debating on whether or not to take advantage of it, sacrificing my Gmail inbox to the spam Gods. Just plug in the race date, how many days a week you want to run, and what days your long runs will fall on.
Of course to actually receive the plan you must create an account (yet another password I will inevitably forget) Appealing. Very.
Does it go against everything the EMRS stands for? Well, the EMRS was created to include all types of runners so technically I would say no. Would I judge you for judging me? Hmmmmm.

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