Thursday, August 4, 2011

Head for the Hills

We (Garrick and I) attempted a track workout last night, not thinking about the fact that high-school football has begun. So there we were, standing in a parking lot trying to think of an alternative. One of the other members suggested a hill workout, which I will admit I hadn't really given much thought to. We turned on the GPS and started down the sidewalk of the nearest hill. We jumped over gorge sized gaps, small hills formed as roots grew up through, glass shards, and trash cans that were left in the middle of the sidewalk. Our search for the perfect hill continued, including running under a GPS killing overpass.
Finally, we found it and after a mere four trips up it, my calves and thighs were pleading for mercy. It pushed me to my limits, which was good. Garrick is running the Chicago Half on September 11 and I probably won't race again until the end of October. I plan on training differently this time, focusing on speed first, then building up distance. Of course after our hill runs we had to rehydrate with a couple of Oberons.

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