Monday, October 3, 2011

We Are of the Thirsty Kind

We are of the thirsty kind.  It is doubtful that you will see a 55 calorie beer in our hands. (Unless of course there is no other beer because diet beer is better than no beer.)  This is the first week getting back into long run Sundays in prep for October 29th.  We did 8 miles on the new section of Pumpkinvine and it was niiiiiiice.  Cool fall weather, leaves just beginning to change.  First opportunity to break out the running tights.  The afternoon called for football and a mini-beer tasting.  A stashed bottle of Infinium was popped.  Infinium is made by Sam Adams, it’s the champagne of beers, or beer of champagnes.  Whatever.  It was delicious.  Keep running.  Keep tasting good beer.  Enjoy these fall days before the ice covers your routes.

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