Thursday, May 26, 2011

About This Blog

The existential mustache society was founded in the fall of 2010. Until that point I had enjoyed running, but only as a solo activity. After bumping into an old high school acquaintance at a 5k race, we got together for a four-mile run on the campus of Notre Dame.

I realized that while running alone provides lots of opportunity for self-reflection and daydreaming, running could also be a social activity. Running in a group can push you to go farther and faster than you would alone.

As for the name… As a English major in college some of my favorite readings were of Kafka and Dostoevsky, classic writers dubbed existentialists. Running is an existential activity, it becomes part of your identity, part of how you define your existence.

The most simple explanation for the mustache part of the name is that my friend, the co-founder, at times cultivates a handlebar mustache. It is also symbolic, mustaches aren’t exactly in fashion, the EMRS does not attempt to be fashionable. We aren’t running to break records or to have six-pack abs.

The mustache is also a reference to Steve Prefontaine (a famous runner of the 1970’s) and to nearly all great philosophers who have some sort of fantastical facial hair.

The last and most important component to the name is Society. It was purposefully dubbed a society rather than club because club infers a hierarchal structure. The group was meant to be loosely organized with no president, no fees, and no meetings other than on the running trail.

So when people ask, "What do
you do?" What is your answer?

"I am a 
son?", "I am a student?" or is it, "I'm a runner."


  1. I love literature, but running... not so much. At times, I force myself to do it and it is more for vanity, or because I should be doing something healthy... not because I actually enjoy it. However, after reading this post I am truly inspired. Maybe if I went into running with an open mind and thought of it as time for myself, time for self reflection, time where I don't have to do homework, or take care of someone else, I would actually enjoy it. As I head to the beach this Memorial Day weekend, I think I am going to apply the concept of an open mind to my running and get back into an old activity that I once dreaded.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I liked your introduction to your blog and the simplicity of the colors. I like it when the text size, and color is on a plain or very muted background because then what you want to read is easily done.
    You gave a very good explanation on the how and why facial hair is included in the name. I just glanced at your blog the first time and thought- that is weird and why bother having the facial hair in it. After returning and reading your post it all comes together. A blog for your fellow Elkhart County runners it is good to ‘facial hair’ in the title.
    The explanation of ‘alone time’ and ‘a time for reflection’ is good. Sometimes when I walk I listen to music or a audio book but other times the quiet is very good for the soul.
    If at some time you wanted to expand your followers to people who just are into running changing that part of the name might be something to consider. On the other hand the ‘Icanhascheezburger’ doesn’t really have a lot to do with the posts and it has lots of followers.

  4. There's something about running in groups. I ran with some friends this past semester, and I found that not only does it make you accountable (you have to tell other people why you're bailing on running), it makes the process much more bearable.

    I also might debate your view on the fashionable nature of mustaches, but to be fair, I know a lot of hipsters.
