Monday, March 5, 2012

We Here, Or We're Here, Or as in We Here at the...

We here at the EMRS are busy contemplating races for the spring and summer. Work schedules have made things difficult, but more than likely G and I will be running the half marathon in Kalamazoo in May. I (derick) have a multitude of weddings and free beer to attend to this summer. I have decided that I will run my first full Marathon in this predicted year of the Mayan apocalypse. It will not be with G in Traverse City however. It is also looking less and less like it will be the Sunburst. So that leaves open some other options. A trail marathon for my first time? Could be...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Winter, continued....

Just when I think this winter is going to end, it doesn't. My running routine has been less than consistent, and my cultivation of facial hair hit some roadblocks this winter. Fear not for what the rest of the year may hold.