Monday, December 5, 2011

What's Next?

So what’s your favorite winter race? I ran my first winter 5k back in January on a snow covered golf course. It was brutal, passing other runners was next to impossible unless it was attempted on the down hills. Running through the 3 inch snow felt like running on the beach in loose sand, only much colder. At least there wasn’t any concern about being passed by a guy wearing a turkey suit. Yes, there was a danger of rolling your ankle, but I’d have to say it was worth it and I will be attempting it again this year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Hangover

It's December first and it’s that time of year again, I can’t even get in regular runs, let alone regular posts on this blog. I did a cool seven miles on a new trail the other day, then BAM, some snow came down and I’ve done nothing since. It’s going to be tricky, working off all of that food from Thanksgiving. Keeping my miles up this winter with no treadmill, or as of yet, no access to an indoor track. What will the new year bring, new friends, new goals, new races? Hmmmmm, stay tuned, my access to wireless internet has increased.