Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Morning Marathon Hangover

So in preparation for today's post, I wanted to read about some of the highlights from the NY Marathon. There certainly was not any coverage on NBC Sport's website. Don't get me wrong, I love the NFL, but come'on how about some sports diversity? Even news about the World Series of Poker was easier to find. (Sorry, but poker isn't a sport.) All I really know is that the course record was broken by someone not from the USA. What does that mean to the average person reading this blog? Hmmmm. Well, instead of watching the Colts get their asses handed to them yesterday, I put in 11.5 miles. Like most runners out there, I'm a weekend warrior. I may not ever break a 7 minute mile for anything other than a 5k. I may not ever run a big marathon like NY or Boston and unfortunately my mileage will most likely wind down for the winter months. (My treadmill is sort of homeless right now.) But I will keep running. Not because I want to be on TV. (The live marathon wasn't on TV anyway from what I can tell) But because it makes me happy. I'm certainly no expert on existentialism, but I'm pretty sure happiness has something to do with it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

NYC Marathon

The NYC marathon started this morning, I was hoping to catch some of it on the TV, but from what I can tell no one is televising it. Bummer.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sometimes, after a nice long run, all you need is a cold beer.